Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Goulet Wednesday News Roundup

Someone in the L.A. Kid Squad has been watching TV! Or has a computer! Or a radio! Or a friend. Or a pet. Or an inanimate object since everyone and everything has seen Brit's baby factory these days. I suppose all is well as long as "Hit Me Baby One More Time" hasn't become literal.

Vaughniston broke up. Blah blah who cares. Team Jolie! I think some kids from the O.C. broke up too, but again, who cares.

Cheney's got a bun. In the oven. (That's quite possibly the worst pun/joke I've ever made.)

Speaking of babies, is sterilization really that bad of an idea? [The Scoop]

You can't make this up. Seriously.

The deforestation of Bush's lady garden. [NY Times]

Not my Augusten! [Gawker]

Banning trans fats? And another reason I don't live in NY.

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