Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Goulet Wednesday News Round UP

Hey kiddies! Guess what time it is? Time to fill your head with the celebrity drivel I find interesting. Sounds great, doesn't it? It is.

  • I feel pretty, I feel pretty, I feel pretty and witty and [TMZ]
  • I'm goin' to rehab too, y'all. Ok, not really, but I could use the rehab diet. [Derek Hail via Jossip]
  • I knew it! It's times like these that I'm really glad I bought that reversible Team Aniston/Jolie t-shirt. [Gawker]
  • The latest in No Duh news: Jeremy Piven is a Jackass, Part 2. In related No Doy news: [Perez Hilton]. In related Perez Hilton news: [Best Week Ever].
  • I am a nerd!! [buzzsugar]

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