Friday, May 18, 2007

It's Friday, I'm in Love

with guilty pleasures. It's pretty much the only kind of pleasure I get these days, unless you count eating Betty Crocker icing out of a can. Anyhoo, I realize that everyone has different ideas about what constitutes something of "guilty pleasure" status, and that I just might ruffle some feathers, but bite me. I care about a lot of things, but not this.

In no particular order:

Chili's: I will make fun of you to your face if you suggest that this shithole is worth frequenting. I will call you uncultured and accuse of having retarded tastebuds. Secretly, I will order an Awesome Blossom™ in my mind.

Diet Dr. Pepper: These days, in spite of claiming "I don't drink soda" (ok, also, I really say Coke now that I'm back home. Soda is for the North.), I drink about a case of this stuff every three days.

Work Out: This "reality" TV show on Bravo is one of its worst, right up there with "Shear Genius." The "trainers" are vapid attention whores who never break a sweat unless it's because they're doing each other or are drunk. But I love them. Mostly Jesse, though.

Egg Rolls: I could eat a pile of them at any given time. They are stuffed with cabbage and unidentifiable meat remnants. Gross. Delicious.

Harry Potter Franchise: This one could be controversial, but I feel like I'm too old to be so into this stuff. Yeah, I've pre-ordered my copy of the last book. Watching the new movie on July 13 just might be my first solitary movie-going experience, but I will stop at nothing to see the next installment.

Maroon 5: Adam Levine is adorable! He looks like he'd fit in my pocket and sings like a poor man's Stevie Wonder.

Notting Hill: I will stop everything that I am doing to watch this movie, no matter what channel it's on, no matter when it's on. It's the chief reason I'm haven't achieved many of my goals. I once was applying to med school, but then NH came on USA. Then there was that time I was studying for the LSAT and it was on HBO.

Blogging: An exercise in narcissism on a scale I had not yet participated. I am addicted. I wish you were. Addicted to my blog.

Buying novels in the grocery store check out line: I know better. I should be at a local book shop picking up Michael Chabon's latest. Instead, I just picked up Robert B. Parker's latest, a pack of gum, tampons and Diet Dr. Pepper at Super Target. Did I mention I'm single?

Red Eye on Fox: I find myself staying up till one in the morning to watch this train wreck. I just can't help myself. Last night, David Hauslaib (of Jossip) was contributing. Combining gossip blogs with a snarky pop culture show makes my heart sing. Even if it is on Fox.


JulieGong said...

I totally love Notting Hill. My roommate and I watched it on repeat our freshman year.

"I am just a girl standing in front of a boy asking him to love her..." gets me every mfing time.

Clinton said...

Eggrolls + Chili's = Southwestern Eggrolls that are so good, I'd kill a friend for an unlimited supply.

The [Cherry] Ride said...

Double snaps on the guilty pleasures. I agree with almost all of them!

Dan Nolan said...

Here's my criticism of Chili's: they advertise a two for one happy hour, but the two are in smaller glasses and they're not filled up all the way to the top - amounting to barely more than one. That and I'm an Applebee's guy. Jets and Sharks.

Mr. Shain said...

I"m not sure we can be friends anymore. Also, I'm sending this link to Jesse along with come candid photos of you.

Mr. Shain said...

Jesse asked if you're interested in working with him at the gym.

Mr. Shain said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
blythe said...

julie - me too, me too. i want to own a bookstore because of that movie.

clinton - thank you for the inspiration. tonight i will dine on a pile of chili's southwest eggrolls and think of you.

the cherry ride - thanks, yo!

dan - applebee's? really? hmm.

mr. shain - i'm sure we can't be friends anymore. you know why. paris and nicole style. um, sure, i guess i'll "work" with jesse. what is it that he does exactly besides make sour faces and gain weight? (both of which i am excellent at.)

Mr. Shain said...

No, I meant WORK with him, as in, be a client. He thinks you'd be perfect for SkyLab.

Paris and Nicole style? Am I going to jail? (because of course I'm the Paris) Are we doing a reality show together now? Speaking of... Mark's episode is next week (Wednesday, as if you don't know when Shear Genius is on). I got to watch the episode on DVD this morning... and I know who wins... yeah, Vegas here I com.

As I would in Oklahoma, I'm off to Target now. Except, our Target is on the 3rd floor of a large plaza, no white peoples work there, and it has underground parking that is a nightmare.

blythe said...

Dear Mr. Shain,

You're the one that needs to lay off the ice cream, buddy. So maybe you should give your friend Jesse a call. And then call me about it.

Paris and Nicole style as in not speaking because of an unspeakable thing you've done, but you're probably not going to jail. For that.

I will suffer through Mark's episode of SG, no worries. Tyson and Tabitha got voted off, so as long as Dr. Boogie doesn't win, I'm ok with the outcome now.

Shouldn't you be going to Kitson or Sprinkles or something? Target? I mean, really.