Tuesday, January 13, 2009

I am so awesome at my job, it hurts.

Have you ever received a document at work and looked at it and are like, WTF? Did Paris Hilton and LiLo write this together or something? What the hell is this shwords?* So, you take it to your boss, not your supervisor that you're chummy with, but you know, the VP of your department, and relay your concern about the clarity if not veracity of said document. And then your kind boss looks at you with her wise eyes and drops the bomb that she was in fact the author. FUCKSTICKS! Sweet Lincoln's mullet, I am a fucktard. I mumbled something about my public school education failing me in terms of reading comprehension and backed my butt out of her office. Now what?

*For the love of all things fashion, watch the fucking videos already. I would like to make jokes about this stuff for the rest of my life or at least through the next couple of weeks.


Kritkrat said...

Welcome to my world! Glad to have some company!

Kritkrat said...
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JulieGong said...

i'll save room for you at my purebreed dog tattooing parlor.

Mr. Shain said...

i've met your boss; she has bigger fish to fry than her inability to speak english. let's start with that perm....

blythe said...

kadonk - doh. that sums it up. it'll happen again too, that's the best part.

julie - i don't really need a job since my pores produce diamonds. it's very fashion.

shain - i think you are confusing my boss with my mom.

Michael5000 said...

Skewered on your own shword.

Everybody gets to be a fucktard at work periodically. That's why they call it "work."