Last night, I had this dream. I finished a puzzle of the alphabet, each letter on one piece, making a long train when completed. Suddenly, someone handed me a hamster. I understand that these are the hamsters sent to every US tax payer by the Jordanian government in thanks for something I can't recall. The weird thing about these hamsters is that when you place them on the puzzle, they deposit little turds on various letters, spelling out important messages. I can't remember what the message said, but of course it probably holds the key to life.

the message was 'eat more lettuce.'
How detailed.
I had a dream I was hanging out with Posh and Becks.
Becks was dumb as a rock and Posh was surprisingly cool.
I don't know where their kids were.
Wow, that was actually a really intersting post. Seriously, no sarcasm.
I think the message was, "Blythe, you're not drinking enough."
You just perfectly described my kindergarten English classes.
and here I thought that lab mice were the smartest creatures on Earth... I guess it's really the hamsters.
The turds spell out "s-e-e-k-c-o-u-n-s-e-l-i-n-g."
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