Wednesday, February 09, 2011

We used to be friends a long time ago...

Just kidding!  We're still friends, Veronica Mars!  After exhausting the obvious Netflix watch instantly choices, we decided to start Veronica Mars from the beginning.  It's a Rob Thomas show and he's the dude that did Starz's Party Down* series, so we thought, what the hay.  Also, I watched part of the last season when it aired and remembered it being pretty rad, for what it was.  Right, so about 30 hours later, we're halfway through season two and I.Am.Hooked.  This shit is awesome!  Thanks to yet another snow day (day 5.5 of the year - holy crap), we're knee deep in mystery!  Yay!  I just needed to share my TV joy.  Thanks.

*If you have not yet watched Party Down, you must.  It's hi-larious.  Its Netflix presence is elusive, but worth it.  Not sure why they insist on posting the seasons in random pieces, but try anyway.


G said...

I went to high school with Teddy Dunn. (And Olivia Wilde --from House-- was three years below me.) He was also on Grey's Anatomy playing a high school hockey player who froze his severed finger in a cooler instead of stopping playing and then he lost the finger as a result of contamination and then they couldn't reattach the finger and he was permanently maimed and he didn't get that hockey scholarship to college. Very strange to see him suddenly pop up on a TV show.

blythe said...

you did not! he's dreamy. actually, he's kind of a bore on the show, but i love any brush with anyone else's brush with fame.

John said...

I'll throw my hat in the ring for Better-Off Ted (BOT) if you haven't watched it. The gf and I both loved it, but we are a little sciency.

blythe said...

oh, we've already watched all of BOT. phil and lem! also, i like to watch veronica for managerial pointers.