Man, if only I'd kept the genius coming instead of succumbing to the man.
This could've been me!
Or this!

Lost Ogles, I met you at the NMF and you snubbed me. Then no mention in your 15 minutes of Oklahoma metro fame (which is equal to -25.8 seconds of national fame)? Ok, fair enough.
But, instead, it's just this:

Hey, you got about as much mention in that Gazette article as I did. The one quote of mine he used was attributed to Tony.
Actually, I did mention bee-spot at least once in the interview, but alas, it did not make the cut. Your beef is with the Gazette.
The fact that at least one quote of Clark's was attributed to me might explain why I don't remember saying about half the stuff for which I am credited.
Buck up, little trooper. ~I~ care about your blog! I mean, in a sense I do.
this is actually one of your best posts this year because it's so painfully honest and true. good work. now people can see what i put up with everyday.
*get excited about schnitzel tonight!*
At least the drinks look delicious.
I'm guessing that Mr. Shain took that photo, and that the frilly orange drink pictured in the photo is his. Sooo gay.
surprisingly i didn't and surprisingly it's not
The blond chick? In the pic with the alcohol? I'd tap that.
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