Sunday, February 07, 2010

Look at what I got!

Sorry I've been MIA. I've been busy not eating, being grumpy, suffering from SAD, surviving ice storms and local weather media, complaining about the gym, crying over my bank balance, having more dental work and ...

Glamour shot.

chilling with this little dude! His name is Zeb. As in Zebulon. Like Pike. Except we call him all kinds of things. Like Zebron James, Merriam-Zebster, zebutante, zebulator(! - you have to yell that one), Zebbie, zeptic tank, etc. Basically, he has no idea who he is.

Treats. Treats. Treats.

A dude at work brought him in because baby Zeb had followed his wife home. The BF and I discussed adding him to the household, but by the time we'd decided, someone else had offered to give Zeb a home. So, naturally, I was heartbroken for a week, but that's ok because there was an ice storm, so I had lots of things to distract me from checking out on Not. Cut to Monday of last week when I learned that Zeb was still available! His interim owner wasn't sure Zeb was the right fit since he already had four grown Rotts and Zeb, was, well, a tiny puppy. So, I brought him home Monday night!

Give me some m-effing treats!

Naturally, he's adorable. I have no idea what breed, though. The vet put him at maybe 10 - 12 weeks last week and he weighed in at 11 pounds. I don't think he's gonna get that big, but who knows. What I do know is that he's had one accident inside in six days, chews the hell out of a stuffed toy, is a Kong addict, sleeps through the night, loves cheddar and freeze dried liver. I'm in lurv.

Thank you.

Right, so, thus far, training is going well. It's kind of exhausting, but in a good kind of way when he masters a command or we get a little snuggle time. Right now, he's sleeping in his crate next to me, making precious puppy snoring sounds that will surely be replaced by puppy destruction sounds in the coming months, so I'm signing off to enjoy his innocence.

Super spoon.


Kritkrat said...

I'm going to guess Sheltie/Terrier mix. Wicked cute, yo.

Rex Parker said...

So jealous. Freeze-dried liver is king, btw. You can *own* any dog with that stuff. I might use it to see if I can get my dogs to fold my laundry.

blythe said...

he is cute! and in love with freeze dried liver! and he's mine! he's kind of a maniac sometimes, but when he's all sleepy and groggy, he's beyond adorable and sweet. also, he's now known as zebra winger and zebbie gibson too. he's gonna be schizo.

G said...

Cuteness. Now all you need is a dog blog...

Jess said...

I'm dying from the cuteness and jealousy.

Anonymous said...

great post. I would love to follow you on twitter.

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