Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Currently Coveting

That's actually a bookmark category I have.  And I pretty much covet everything.  All the time.  Let's see what's on the list today...

Fruit Embroidered Pillows at Overstock - I need all four.

Glacier National Park Blanket at Pendleton -  who doesn't need this?

Weck Glass Jars at Canoe - I somehow came into possession of some old school glass Pyrex pre-plasticware food storage containers and I love them.  These are perfect too.  There's something about storing your food in glass over plastic.

Corona Sofa at Macy's - Shockingly well priced.  I'm totally over our hand me down blue sectional, but too bad so sad for me.

Escape 1-W at Giant - Because I still don't have a bike.  Still.

Savvy at Bakers - In grey.  I'm having a grey thing.  I like these 'cause they're wedges, which means I am less likely to fall over.

Yes, this list is devoid of baby crap. That list is too big for one blog. I need/want it all! All of it! Ever!


Michael5000 said...

I like grey. Grey is the new black. Except not quite as dark.

blythe said...

precisely. i can always count on you to get it.

Unknown said...

Love the sofa at Macy's totally cute and i think you should get it.....